
1 Guy 1 Cup

Video REMOVED - For the Good of humanity, my part at least. -Allen http://www.facebook.com/jallen285 After stopping for drinks at an illegal bar, a Zimbabwean bus driver found that the 20 mental patients he was supposed to be transporting from Harare to Bulawayo had escaped. Not wanting to admit his incompetence, the driver went to a nearby bus-stop and offered everyone waiting there a free ride. He then delivered the passengers to the mental hospital, telling the staff that the patients were very excitable and prone to bizarre fantasies. The deception wasn't discovered for 3 days.


Unknown said...

My friend is now throwing up in the toilet, and im not far off it either. that was horrifying.

Fallynn said...

Ok, I'm a girl...and this made me queasy as hell! Why on earth would you even think to do that? A glass jar? C'mon!! That was disturbing!!

Anonymous said...


imprinted1 said...

not cool. use plastic next time fool

Batchain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Batchain said...

Is this an isolated event? If not, how often does he enjoy this..... uh, activity?

opencashgifts.com said...

omg I thought 2 girls 1 cup was bad lol

Anonymous said...

that was so nasty.

sheashea1 said...

omfg wtff i mean he sud b embarresed dat he wud eva want 2 do dat i mean who da hell wud think bout dat n wat waz dat at da end of da video a scream a yell a cry 4 joy i mean come on it looked lyk he waz really old n he didnt sigh or nuttin it waz mad silent i feel srry 4 who waz tapin cuz dey had a front row seat

rerevi said...

i am hurt and disturbed. i need counseling. i feel like a little child right now that just watched his pet get run over by a car and then had to clean up the mess. that was not cool. :(

Unknown said...

king said...the most disgusting display I've ever seen....

Travel Toni said...

This was horrible.
I mean sick.
This individual is DISTURBED.
How could he stay so calm?

Jen said...

That was pretty disgusting.

Unknown said...


Psycholette420 said...

wow um that was pretty gross but wasnt as bad as 2 girls 1 cup and sure as hell wasnt as bad as putrid sex object. putrid sex object is fuckin disgusting beware if you watch it, it will make you throw up.

Unknown said...

i guess he shoulda used a mason jar...ya know thicker glass...if not a plastic jiffy pb jar

Make-up Artist said...

This is fake. Just like the two girls which was done with ice cream. First off you would not keep camera running... and not make a sound. Second..The blood is too red. Out of your ass it would be darker. Ever have a nose bleed, it's darker then that. And there is no shit up your nose. Also, the scream at the end is added. This is good, but still fake.

Unknown said...

um o.k this is a grown ass man, who cares either way if it's really or not! now you can all see the effects of child rape, when kids are kidnapped young as 2 and raped. is the damage not the same. who cares what this idiot did, this should make you all watch out for kids and prevent this sick shi---t, imagine what happenedwhen this loser went up on emergency? lol. wtf

Unknown said...

fake!! look that blood...

lola said...

may god help you. im serious. imma pray.eewww

Unknown said...

my stomach hurt WTF WTF WTF WTF was he thinking? im sick....i gotta get my husband to watch that glad i was alone so nobody could laugh at my reaction!! hell naw!!!!

shawty91 said...

this is tha most nastiest shit ive ever seen in mah life nigga u need help lord u need more than help u need jesus i hope god has mercy on yo soul cuz this aint human nor natural honey GETT HELP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Anonymous said...

oh god my butt hurt from watching that

SCherenzia said...


Anonymous said...


XxXCodiXxX said...

ewwwwwwww oh my god! i think my eyes are bleeding! and in the words of EmptyAwsome: The power of christ compells you!!!

Anonymous said...

ok i don't know what to think...i am about to go to bed and hope i don't have nightmares....and first and foremost i hope i don't throw up that mozzarella and roast beef sandwich i just, i am really going to pray, that isn't anything but satan, who would do that to themselves, is he still alive? he has to have major anal tears.....i can't believe it...may peace and the lord be unto you.....whoever you are!!!

Birthday Candles said...

That just offended my eyes.

Birthday Candles said...

That just offended my eyes

Lucas said...

no... nothing at all... he is bleeding... so what?

graehmesievert said...

lol fast forward and then rewind it when hes putting the jar in its like hes humping it

Unknown said...


izzahhahiraf said...

this is wrong. effing wrong. what is that guy thinking? eiuwww just disgusting and horor !

Unknown said...

how do u explain THAT 2 the paramedics???lol "ummm, see i sat on this jar and..."

Unknown said...

My f***ing god... It's moments like these I'm glad my stomach is made of iron.

Unknown said...

That's scarred the way I see things forever.

Unknown said...

that was so nasty all that blood and he doesnt say ne thing and he sits there and pulls it out...uuuhhhh that is the worst thing ive ever seen

Tiaboo said...

you know i wonder if he knew that the jar was gonna break,he had to have his sound cut off i know he was screaming and was itjjust me or did it look like that jerk had a bad case of herpes?

Decchan said...

I thought he meant for it to break. If you play it in reverse it's almost comical. I hope he's okay.

Francesca_Flora said...

that's very very disturbing, i think i might go throw up now :| who would do such a thing? i can't believe he just gets up and walks away!

Unknown said...

Didn't make me queasy or anything, but that's only cause I have been a nurse for 15 years. I am used to a lot of blood. And even out of a-holes (both kinds). That was probably a unit of blood I am surprised he didn't get pale and pass out. Then again people donate units of blood all the time. He would have lost more blood off camera and was probably shooting that by himself. Hope he applied pressure to that wound somehow and called 911. Feel sorry for him and the paramedics too! Now those are the people that have seen it all! How would I stop bleeding like that? Guess I would wrap a towel around a plastic cup and stuff it in there till the EMS got there. Definitely should have used plastic to begin with... Good point!

jc87 said...

I laughed for half an hour, I mean who does that, and doesn't expect the bottle to break. I thought this can't be good when he started to sit down, and then the bottle broke. I thought I was going to lose it, I laughed so hard I cried, then rolled over and started laughing some more. Obviously I'm a little messed up in the head, but I guess it helps that at my job I see client's pull meat out of thier arms, and stick things in themselves almost all the time and paint their rooms with thier own blood....So to me this video was halarious...I guess I should consider seeing a shrink. Oh if anyone bothered to read the link another person that commented posted you'd know that not only is the video real, but they guy didn't even go to the hospital, he's straight, married with kids,still has glass in his ass, and he's still sticking glass objects up his ass....What a sad little russian man....I'm still lauging...

Giovanni711 said...

It's so stupid and disgusting.

Unknown said...

this aint even cool.. thats right no black man in there right mind, or for that matter hi on something would do nothing like that. Hes a perv and he needs to go to jail, or a mental hospital. if he couldnt get no ass then he shoulda went to spencers or something and got a dildo or whatch porn or something. god mt stomach hurt. fake or not,only absent minded people would or even could think of something like that!!he must be a 40 year old virgen!! for real. eww. this makes me kinda scared of white old men right now.. haha. Ugh next time buy a dildo or a vibrator or something!!! go to hell!!!!

Unknown said...

OMFG, hahahahahahahaha. So people are so cheap, he could have bought a dildo or something. What makes this really bad is that you know he didnt get all that glass out, and you also know he had to have had to go to the emergency room to get it out.

Can you imagine walking into the emergency room and telling them your bleeding inside your ass? Then when they ask why, you have to tell them "well I was f*$king myself with a jar and it broke inside of me.

OMG, I wonder what the outcome was though, because the intestins have alot of blood vessels along with alot of bacteria. I have to assume it took at least 1 year to hell. I can assure you, he has destroyed future play sessions with his ass.

spartan said...

watch 3 guys 1 hammer and see the difference between an idiot and a person being killed on a horrible way...

bleedingHeart_92 said...

This guy, actually does this as a passtime, for some reason, I stumbles across an interview with him on BestGore.com. Normally he puts water in the jars, but he says that for some reason, this time he just didnt. Aparently, its supposed to help reduce the chance of breakage; but I have no idea if that is accurate or not. For everyone who thinks its fake, sadly, no its real, but, disturbing none the less.
Everyone, if your going to stick forign objects in your ass, for godesses sake, please be rational about it!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

That was horrifying and I am seriously TRAUMATIZED! That man or whatever it is needs some serious medical and physciatric help!

Anonymous said...

omg... it didn't make me sick, it just made me sad. I am in tears for this guy. It was horrifying watching the blood pool up like that, and squirting out... geeze. This guy has done some SERIOUS damange to himself. For what?!?!

Anonymous said...

god all i can say is if hes ok, im still wondering ifhes ok jeez tht was terrible

Unknown said...

Well accualy him showing his privet part he didnt mean to do, he just wanted ya'll to see him sticking the glass up his butt... and that was the first time it ever broke, he has been doing it since he was either 12 or 13, and about 4 hours later he went to work and he was fine... so yeah...

Anonymous said...

This is some bulll.. OMG I Have been watchin reactions all day and now I finally see this video... I can't believe this iish!!! O. M. G. Who the hell?? Just OMG thats all I can say..

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh that is disgusting its was chucnky and junk and how could someone do that on youtube

Stripenight said...

O...m..g... That is just... AH! Wat was he trying to do?!?

Stripenight said...

WHAT was he trying to do!?!? Gross!

Velin Markov said...

Fair enough.. this guy feels the need to do that... imagine how bored,lonely,seeking attention or psycho you must be :D
He be having a magic hole. He should be on that show "Will it blend?!" :D
Maan... talk about being a proud and distinctive individual.
:D I can't decide .. laugh or shiver with disgust .. :D

Unknown said...


klassykat said...

This is one SICK INDIVIDUAL!!!! Just for five minutes of FAME you tear up your rectum?!! Sir Seek some counseling --seriously and kids/ADULTS----DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

All I could think of was is he going to call 911 cuz he's bleeding kinda bad, and he probably did more damage trying to pull/push the broken glass outta his ass.
Having worked in an ER I am no longer surprised by stuff people shove in various places.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

That's nutz but from wat I see, he wasn't shaking or sayin a word, its somethin wrong with him, he is honestly not just human, he may b physically but its somethin not right, I'm prayin tonight ...that's not a normal human reactin wats so ever cuz regaurdless wat a person likes ,if ur human ur gonna have some kind of reaction to pain such as that...food for thought

Anonymous said...

I'm 11 years old and I was not discusting at all... If I don't think it is, all you people out there that thought it was are pussies. XD

Unknown said...

what the fuck i am traumatised now i really hope this is fake how did he not scream it like goes in and just at the rim of the pickle jar BAM and blood is just gushing out and picking pieces out one but one some one give this guy help eeewwww this is just emo to the next level :O ...

CitizenX said...

I hope he tore his colon by glass shards. If he could stop the bleeding, he will still get blood poisoning. Good riddance. Hahahahaha

Ellis Jameson said...

what's wrong with the skin on his legs? are those lesions?

Unknown said...

WOW I cant believe my eyes thats just crazy theres a saying think before you leap and obviously this guy didnt cause if he did he wouldnt be in the situation hes in now. Now he definitely has to get his self checked out ASAP to the hospital right away.

Unknown said...

WOW what was this guy thinkin I just cant beleive my eyes there a saying think before you leap obviously this guy didnt or he wouldnt be in the situation hes in right now. Now he has to go to the hospital. ASAP.

lklt42 said...

1 man 1 sexy jar 1 love 1 friction 1 break 1 extraordinary pain... LOVE HURTS

[;♥!C h a n t e l l e!♥;] said...

thats sickkk mann! how can you do that and not even seem bothered...made me wanna hurl! :O

redndyellow said...

Wow, thats just beautiful. Talk about an inspiration. I'm in love.

buuterflysrfree said...

The still pic alone is disturbing... i havent the heart to click play.

buuterflysrfree said...

the still pic alone is disturbing enough... i havent the heart to click play.

maggie said...

yep all i gotta say is that is pretty sick.

Unknown said...

What does him not being circumcised have anything to do with anything? Sure it looks kind of weird because we're all used to seeing people circumcised but who cares? I remember the first time I watched this, I was kind of disturbed by the fact that someone would even do this and how he didn't yell/ scream out in pain? Even more disturbing.

Guitarguy said...

Awh man that was just fuckin wrong! dude nasty. I must have a really strong stomach though because none of the vids i've watched so far have made me truely sick.

2much4one said...

Were do you find the video at?

2much4one said...

Where is the video???

sydney said...

verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry scary, creepy, horrifying,probaby hurt like fuck!!!

sydney said...

verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry verry SCARY!!!!!

kiki said...

was he unaware that death is a common side effect.?

David Moberg said...

Uhm, if you have ever hurt yourself very much, u usually don't scream until you realize what has happened. This guy is probably getting a panic attack thinking he will die. I did one time I had hit my head and I realized I was bleeding.

I wonder what happened next! :O Did he call the ambulance? Did he survive without any lifelongs injuries?

Who uploaded this clip? Himself? Relatives? Someone watching cam?

Anonymous said...

omfg worst thing ever on the internet y would some1 do that and share that with ppl

Anonymous said...

omfg thee worst video on the net y would he do that and share it with ppl how sick in the head is he

Eeyore said...

ok WHAT THE HELL ?!?!?!?! why would someone do this? like for real.....soooooo much freakin blood.....i have to admit the guy is a trooper though....he didnt scream out in pain when that jar broke or anything.....the only sound to be heard was the crunching of the glass.....*shudders* uugh. freaking moron. thtll teach him to try that again

Gloff said...

This guy is a member of bestgore dot com and has been putting stuff in his ass for a long time. It's just a curious guy. He has been putting a lot of glas object up his ass without anything breaking, so he thought it wouldn't do it this time either. I've seen an interview and he said he didn't go to the doctor. He still has some glas in his ass which he gets out now and then.

Bobby said...

Haha Thats what you get duumbass. Then he just gets up and walks away like nothin happened..... Sorry was throwing up

sugarheart876 said...

I'm A Girl and this Killed my Inner Self I Tought it was like he ate it or something but Its a Glass jar up his butt AND BLOOD?

mr cool said...

now dat my brother was very disturbing.. who in der right mind would pull some stunt like dat... he must have un lost every bit of since god gave him. cause no human in der right mind juss wouldnt do anything idiodic like dat dats juss... juss..... stupidty i dnt under stand dat and quite frankly i think i will never understand dat.

mr cool said...

now dat my brother was completely unexceptable... wat man or even woman in der right man would of have did summtin like dat?? that man lost every bit of since god gave him... or if he even had since if he had since he wouldnt un have did dat . that was a bunch of stupidty... man he juss..... juss... sick in da head he couldnt un have been in his right freakin mind dat was completely unexceptable. i will be praying fo dat guy cause... he basically needs prayer to da fullest amount he need all the prayer he can get. im speechless now dats all i gotta say peace out u all.

saramiller said...

god i wonder if he ever got the glass out

saramiller said...

oh my that must hurt

Anonymous said...

I no longer have to go to school cuz I puked, THANK YOU!

Jaxs said...

OMG Wow I am never going to watch that again. Why on earth would you put glass in there OMG and he was bleeding every where I couldn't even watch. I am a girl and that was just wrong so so so NASTY